Sunday, May 31, 2009

The pox on you!

Was it just me and my sisters, or did anyone else say this rhyme as a kid?

I'm telling on you!
Because you put rocks in my socks and gave me the chicken pox.

Kiersa got 4 shots on the 19th, one of which was the varicella vaccine (chicken pox). On the 28th, about 5 days after every person in my family was healthy at the same time (which hasn't happened since January), Kiersa came down with a fever. It was strange. Only a fever off and on for 2 days. Then I remembered the doctor said that a week or two after the shots she might get a rash (not contagious) , fever, or spots. The spots would be contagious, because they would be chicken pox. On the 30th, the spot appeared.

How much do you want to bet that Paisli will come down with chicken pox in 2 weeks? Kiersa was cuddling her like crazy on Friday, when I didn't realize she had chicken pox yet, but was already contagious.


Cindi said...

What?!? You can get the chicken pox after getting the vaccine? How does that make sense? What's the point of the vaccine, then, since typically you only get chicken pox once in your lifetime?!?

The Lanyons said...

When I tried to get Tabs vaccinated a couple of years ago they said kids had to be three before they'd do it! Maybe this is why?

The George's said...

WE hope that the babe doesn't get them too. Good luck!