Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Speaking of naughty

My favorite use of "naughty" that Hyatt has:

Hyrum took Hyatt to the bathroom at Walmart where the toilets flush automatically, and with all the movement they made putting a seat protector down and such, the toilet flushed while Hyatt was sitting on it. If you know Hyatt, you know he has sensitive ears and can't tolerate loud noises, so when the toilet flushed with its 90 mph roaring flush, Hyatt's face paled with fear and he tried to jump off. When the flush was done, he sat back down, but again, the toilet had sensed motion so it flushed yet again, this time while he was mid-business...almost putting Hyatt in tears. Amid his panic, he scolded the vile porcelain offender with "Naughty toilet!!!"

That'll teach it.


John-Maren Goodman said...

That is so funny, and so Hyatt. I love the new family picture. Those Dress turned out so adorable! Love you guys.

Marcee said...

He is so cute... poor little guy. I hate when those toilets do that!

I love your new picture. The kids look so adorable! I think I have a dress like that for my little princess-to-be!

The Leithead Family said...

So funny! Both my girls hate the automatic flushing toilets! They are so scary to a toddler!! :) I love your new header picture...what a beautiful family!!

Teresa Jolley said...

I love kids. They are so cute and say the funniest things and are so blunt and honest. I wish everyone was like that. :)

The Lanyons said...

I love the word naughty.