Saturday, April 4, 2009

Party, Part 2

Today was such gorgeous weather! Perfect for taking the kids to the West Coast Game Park! First, we took advantage of the weather and I mowed while Hyrum went crazy with the weed-eater. He rototilled for a garden too. Though it was hard to pry ourselves away, we cleaned up and took off for the Park.

We finally arrived at the West Coast Game Park at 1:30, giving us 3 hours to play with the animals. When you first arrive there, you get bombarded with animals that are all trying to get your ice cream cone full of animal food.

I thought it was interesting that Hyatt wanted to come here again, because the last time we came here when he was 17 months, he was freaked out by the animals all crowding around. This time, he did much better, as long as I was close enough that he could grab my hand for courage if needed. Notice his hands balled up in fists when he's nervous.

The nursery is always popular because they get to hold ferrets, albino skunks and opossums. The freaky, bulgy/cross-eyed opossum died so we didn't get funny pictures with it. As you look at these pictures, keep an eye out for Kiersa's 6 adorable teeth. Oh, the opossum is yawning, not getting angry.

The kids got to pet a lot of things, including kids (baby goats), llamas (who were terrified of Kiersa), emus, and the world's largest rodents.

There were some freaky four-horned sheep,

adorable wallabies with babies in their pouches (click on it to see the baby peeking out),

and a Cluff favorite: the groundhog.

I just love pictures of my kids lined up together. I can't wait until Paisli is standing there with them instead of her weight being strapped to my aching back. The baby stage is fun, but it's not my favorite stage. It's fun having so many ages of kids right now because I can experience several stages at once and not feel longing for a stage that is gone forever.

Hyrum caught the baby goat for the kids to pet, but in doing so, a big goat butted him in the rear end while he was bending over. It was pretty funny to watch. Sadly, I didn't catch it on video.

We got in the car and Paisli started screaming. I had just fed her, so I gave her a bottle. Kiersa, sitting right next to Paisli, felt betrayed that she didn't get the bottle and started a fit of her own, crying "bobbow! bobbow!". Poor thing is having a hard time transitioning out of the baby stage with a new one constantly reminding her of baby comforts. Our sympathies won us over and the sippie was traded for a bottle.

After fun with animals, we thought we'd let the kids play at the park. The elementary school in Bandon has a really neat wooden castle, so Hyrum played with the big kids there while I took the sleeping babies to a garden nursery to get ideas for my landscaping.

Overall, I'd say Hyatt's birthday was a blast for everyone, not just him. I'm looking forward to Tilly's now because she wants to go camping at Arizona beach and visit the dinosaurs at the Prehistoric Gardens. That's much more fun than a kiddie birthday party, for me anyway!

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

I've also found that an "experience" birthday is more fun, more memorable and less work than a traditional party.

You HAVE to take us to that crazy animal park when we come to your house because 1/2 those animals don't exisit out here! The kids will love it!