Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Birthday, Hyatt

Hyatt turns




3 years ago today I gave birth to a troll, I mean baby boy, who thankfully turned out to be such an adorable boy! His personality is completely different than my girls. He's quiet, shy, extra loving and quick to obey. He always says things like "Mommy, guess what. I love you." He expresses his affections easily and makes everyone feel special. He plays well with others and is rarely bossy (unlike his big sister that he's so attached to). I feel bad that he doesn't have any brothers to play with, but he melts my heart so easily that I'm kind of glad that I can tell him he's my favorite little boy (rather than how I have to tell my girls they're my favorite oldest daughter, or middle daughter, or youngest daughter). He's not just sweet to his family. He melts EVERYONE'S hearts, and they tell me so. I get stopped everywhere I go by people telling me he's so cute, and anyone who spends any time around him gets an "I love you" or 10 from him and cuddles and cuteness. I don't know that he irritates anyone because he's very sensitive and is careful to be a good boy.

This year for his birthday, he wanted to go to the West Coast Game Park in Bandon to see the animals and also play at Outdoor In (a small scale, wanna-be Chuck E Cheese). Sounded good to me instead of planning a party! Since he's only 3 and has enough toys already, I checked craigslist and found a few simple gifts for him. We found a bunch of brand new-looking name brand clothes for super cheap that he's been needing really bad, so we got him those, and he LOVED getting them! He had a blast trying each thing on and he'd say "Thanks!" when we told him they were cute. The bonus is the lady we bought the clothes from is going to save all her hand-me-downs for Hyatt now. We also found a cheap, huge canister of Play-doh and accessories that was lightly used one time. We actually bought him a kiddie-pool from Costco and bought the Play-doh for Talea since she's a Play-doh addict, but since the weather is a bit questionable still, we swapped the gifts ahead of time. They'll share them anyway. So you know what Tilly's getting in a month!

Poor Hyatt is still sick, and Hyrum woke him up before he was ready (DO NOT wake up Hyatt before he's ready unless you want to deal with a grouch for hours), so for pretty much the whole day Hyatt was either scowling, crying or whining. You could tell he just didn't feel that good yet. We had to go to work today, so having the Play-Doh there helped a little bit to cheer Hyatt up. They spread it all out on the island and had a blast.

Maybe this scowl reflects Paisli's opinion on not getting to play with the other kids yet.

After work, Hyatt wanted to go to Outdoor In, so we ran a few work errands in Coos Bay, then we went there for dinner and playing. We ate the cheesiest, stringiest pizza I've had in my life, then the kids went wild.

Again, Paisli missed out. Next year, Tayli!

We stayed for hours and hours until the littlest ones were dead tired. Way easier than a planning-challenged mom trying to plan a party, and he enjoyed it as much, if not more!!

Such a cutie!!!

I had Hyrum take a couple of pictures while we were there of two of my favorite baby items that I highly recommend to anyone.
First, my sling. It's called a Maya Wrap, and Tasha introduced me to it. I have 2 since Tasha gave me hers now, and I use them CONSTANTLY. I couldn't survive at work without it. Paisli wants to be held constantly, so to keep her quiet for customers and to keep me hands-free, I just wear her! When we're out and about, I carry her in the sling, and Hyrum carries her in the baby Bjorn. It makes for easy breastfeeding too. By the way, even while nursing, I've shrunk at least 2 bra sizes since having Paisli, thus making my wonderful bras I blogged about not so wonderful anymore. That didn't happen with Kiersa. No wonder Paisli's staying petite and I have to supplement her with 2-3 bottles of formula a day now just to keep her satisfied. It's amazing to me how a bottle can turn a fussy nursing baby into a quiet, content one. It's wonderful!

Second, I love this Bebe Au Lait Hyrum's mom gave me! It gives stylish privacy while nursing without having to use a blanket that constantly falls off your shoulder. I never had one with my other kids, and I wish I had! It's wonderful! Every nursing mom needs one.

The top of it even allows you to look down at the baby while you're nursing and still be covered. Genius invention!


The Lanyons said...

Happy Birthday Hy! You look so great Tiana! Can't wait to see you guys in less than a week!

Our Pratt Pack said...

Ok so I know you probably don't feel it, hence the earlier post but you look so cute, I love your hair long I can't wait to grow mine out again! We saw that it was Hyatt's birthday Friday so Happy Late BDay Hyatt and I love the scowling pic of Paisli

Karin Stephens said...

My friend just had a baby and has a "hooter hider" that is indeed the real brand of the same type of nursing cover up that you have. I need to get one!


John-Maren Goodman said...

Happy Birthday Hyatt! I'm sad I missed it but I love you soo much still!
PS I second the cover. I had found them with Jaiden then my mom without knowing I wanted it, got me one. I loved it sooo much she decided that would be her signiture gift for new grandbabies. I want to get more patterns

Marcee said...

Looks like he had a wonderful birthday!! Zackary's was on Saturday and we had friends over for a bbq. It was wonderful!