Friday, April 3, 2009

I must have NO shame

I hope at least a few people get some amusement out of this post, rather than get disgusted...yet again.

Everyone should have a daughter as "considerate" as Talea. The other night she said family prayers and asked "Please help Mommy's tummy to get shorter so it doesn't look like a bum bum anymore." Hyrum and I couldn't help but bust up laughing after that. Previously she prayed for her Daddy to get skinny and Hyrum suspected I had coached her on that one, but after Tilly prayed for her Mommy to lose tummy weight, I think Hyrum's convinced that she just thinks these things up on her own. What a helper! Isn't the faith of a child supposed to be really powerful? I hope hers works for us!

In case her prayer baffles you, I'll give you some background. Now that I have so much excess skin and fat from 4 kids born in my late twenties and early thirties (which if you've had your kids at that age you understand how much harder it is to drop the weight afterward), when I try to squeeze my gut into my SIZE 12 (oooohhh Nelly!) pants, it buckles my tummy into 2 bulging...well...cheeks. It looks like a rear end! I guess it didn't help that I stacked Paisli's baby weight on before I had a chance to lose Kiersa's. Don't I have such great excuses for my pudge?! If I could exercise as good as I make up excuses, I'd be 140 by now! Anyway, I showed Talea my tummy-butt, so then she was "thoughtful" enough to remember it in her prayers. She cracks me up.

Here's a little something to sharpen your mental picture and to scare you awake at night.

The saddest part is that I wore these jeans as my "fat" jeans 2 weeks after I had Talea, and there were no bulges. In all fairness, I am sitting in a slouch to get my belly to do this, but it's funny all the same, and sad that I have this much bulge just 3 kids after Talea. Ah, the sacrifices.

I keep thinking I'd look more presentable if I just went up a size, but my jeans fit everywhere except for my belly. If I could just buckle down and stop finding such undeniably excellent excuses for why it's too difficult to exercise, I just might save myself the misery of looking at my rear in a store's full length 3-paneled mirror and actually fit comfortably back into my "skinny" clothes that have been quietly hibernating in storage bins for years. Hmmm. Crunches anyone?


Lisa Ridgley said...

It's like looking in a mirror ;) I love all you sharing!

John-Maren Goodman said...

That is hilarous!!! I still remember when she said John was Fat! What a girl! We love her

Anonymous said...

Girl you had that baby just two months ago! That tummy will shrink. Sadly #4 takes longer than the first one. Bang-it! You are brave, I don't even show my husband my excess! But we can all relate and for those who can't well....I'm sure we will have bigger mansions in heaven!!

The Lanyons said...

That is remarkably bummish! I'm impressed.

Our Pratt Pack said...

I'm telling you that 4th baby will kill your body! I just started running today in hopes that I can fit into my old "fat" jeans instead of sweatpants!

Marcee said...

I am 7 months pregnant and my tummy is not all filled out yet!! Scarey what those adorable little ones can do to our bodies, isn't it?