Thursday, April 9, 2009

Is there an end in sight?

Now, I know I said when it rains it pours, in regards to all the medical trauma we've had lately. Well, I lied. In our family, when it rains, it hurricanes. Since early February, there hasn't been one day where every member of our family has been healthy. There has been at least one person coughing, battling a runny nose, or worse. I feel physically, emotionally, and financially drained from the stress of all this poor health, and other issues. Before this cold season, I had never taken my kids in to the doctor because of a cold/flu/ear infection. I've been in there almost the point where all I have to do is mention my name on the phone and they know exactly who I am and remember all of my kids and their recent problems.

My sister commented to me that surely our sickness couldn't last until Easter when my ENTIRE Cluff family (except for Mel's husband, Scott, and my niece and nephew, Ammon and Kaylynn) will be gathering in Ashland for the holiday. I guess she didn't figure the Jinx into the equation. Maybe it should be upgraded to a curse!

Last night, just before midnight, Hyatt was bawling about his ear hurting. It's been hurting him off and on for days, but he acts fine, other than his snotty nose and cough. He runs and plays like nothing is the matter, then suddenly his ear bothers him. I held off on taking him to the doctor because we're drowning in medical bills from the last two months (baby birth, surgery, sickness), and I was hoping it would just resolve on it's own. After his heart-wrenching sobs last night, I took him in early this morning.

The verdict? Double ear infection and sinus infection. Both spurred on from RSV, the doctor said. Also, he most likely has swollen adenoids that will need to be removed so he doesn't have sleep apnea and he won't snore anymore and will be able to breathe properly for once in his life. She figures all of my kids had RSV back when Paisli had it, but only Paisli ended up in the hospital. I'm feeling like there can never be a light at the end of the tunnel. I'd cry, but my tears were already spilled all day yesterday from "other" stress. I feel like Heavenly Father must be trying to refine us with the hottest fire he can muster right now because the economy is killing the construction and finance industries, thus putting a choke hold on our business, our house remodel is at a virtual standstill, we have constant sickness and doctor visits, and "other" stresses that aren't completely resolved. I'll either gain or lose 20 pounds from this ongoing nightmare. With my Jinx, it'll be the gaining I'm sure. Actually, I'll probably get pregnant, since that ALWAYS comes before a pregnancy for me, thus adding to my stress since it would be less than a year behind Paisli. Anyone have a chastity belt I can borrow? I doubt there's a form of birth control that could survive the Jinx.

I'm hoping that a week spent with my long-lost siblings will be the antidote to our hurricane and will be the pick-me-up that carries us away from least until we have to come home and face it again. I just wish Hyrum could stay the whole time with me. We're blessing Paisli on Easter Sunday in Ashland while all my family is there, so if you live in the area, you're welcome to attend. It's at 10:00 on the 12th in the Ashland ward building.

On the upside of the business front, the homeshow is April 17-19, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that we get slammed with business after that. Drowning in kitchen plans is far better than praying for some to come in.

I can't wait until I can look back at this post and say, "Oh yeah, those were tough times. I'm so glad they're over and things are back to normal." A girl can dream, can't she? Good thing I have such a great husband and kids to keep me smiling each day. I could live in a "van down by the river" and still be happy as long as I had them with me. Too bad we couldn't just hop in a semi and make some bank and see the country again, this time with our kids. Ah, the good old days. Family truly is the most important thing in this life. I'm so glad mine is eternal!!! In this murky fog, they are my shining light.


Anonymous said...

Girl you need a vaction!! Don't come back till everyone is better. I recommend Kentucky. It's a wonderful place to visit!

Unknown said...

I would love to come to Paisli's blessing on sunday,.. Can you fit a Noble in with all those Cluffs???
See you then! Ronni

Cindi said...

Sorry to hear that things are so tough on your family right now. Were you able to watch Conference? There were so many uplifting, encouraging talks about dealing with all the adversity that seems to be rampant in these last days! I also wanted to "weigh-in" on the adenoid surgery. My Chase had his tonsils and adenoids removed a little over a year ago. (He was 28 months old at the time.) The main reason we did it was because he had tonsilitis every month (it started when we were in Utah for Hyrum's funeral) from May until December. He would run a 105+ fever with it and be so sick for 5-10 days each time. Then in December of that year, he got it TWICE!! So in January of 2008 he had surgery. Recovery is MISERABLE. It lasted about two weeks. The first few days were ok, but then after that he couldn't get relief from the pain. It was horrible! :( The silver lining is that he hasn't been sick since the surgery! Yea!!! I would totally do it all over again for that reason. As for the breathing, it didn't do anything to help with that! It sounds like Hyatt and Chase have similar night-time issues. Chase has had a hard time breathing at night since birth. He has to breath through his mouth at night and his lips get so dried out and chapped... It's miserable. The surgery didn't help in ANY way at all for that, though. So, if the drs recommend it to help with Hyatt's breathing issues, from our experience, I don't think it will do anything. A former co-worker's daughter had it too (she had horrible ear infections all the time) and she had the breathing at night issues... She stopped having ear infections after the surgery, but still had the breathing problems. Anyway, sorry this is so long, just thought I'd share our experience in case it will help in making a decision about Hyatt having surgery.

Marcee said...

So sorry to hear all of the yuckie stuff going on with you and your little family right now. You were right, when it rains it DOES pour! We have been there and it will get better, it will just take time, prayers and faith. Our prayers are with you all right now. It is hard to watch your kids suffer. I know I don't like it. I wish we could lend a hand somehow. have you been to an ear/nose/throat specialist? If not, I would recommend it. They usually know more about this kind of stuff then the pediatrician. Just an idea...

A friend of mine also told me that her family was all sick for months and then she finally read about tea tree oil. She bought some and put it on the kids feet and chest all the time along with Vicks and they were better w/in days. Something to try...

Karin Stephens said...

Just wanted to weigh in and give you my sympathies. I hope things look up soon and that you get lots of orders at the home show. Let's hope this crappy economy is almost over the hump and looks up soon!

The Lanyons said...

did you end up getting any business from the homeshow yet?