Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When it rains... pours the Johnson Jinx!!!

In case you were wishing you could be a part of our family, here's a Johnson Jinx health saga that might make you change your mind.

Since around Feb 12 (just a month ago, mind you), we have been plagued by a number of health problems. I'm beginning to think that our family will NEVER all be healthy at the same time again. We've been to more doctor visits in this month than I've ever been to my whole life. It went like this...

Talea got sick, then passed it on to Hyatt. They were both getting better by the time Paisli was born, but still had to wear masks at the hospital to keep germs at bay.

I gave birth and spent several days recovering from it. (No, Paisli doesn't stick her tongue out all the time. Kiersa does. I just found a couple of pictures where she was sticking it out and thought it was cute.)

I saw my OB on a sort-of-emergency visit since I couldn't sit or get relief from my hemorrhoid. I was referred to the surgeon since everything they'd prescribed and could think of or look up on the internet wasn't doing a dang thing to help me.

I saw the surgeon and was told I should to wait for surgery until my swelling went down or my scar tissue would be too severe.

I caught the kids' cold.

We took Paisli and Kiersa to the doctor for Kiersa's one year check-up and shots, and for Paisli's weight check.

Paisli's poo turned black with blood. I was put on a strict no-dairy diet for 3 weeks to see if that improved Paisli's poos.

I got breast infection #1. Well, a clogged duct really (forerunner to a breast infection, but very painful just the same). Finally, by baby #4, I have learned how to unclog it before it becomes an infection and needs antibiotics. Each baby has given me several clogged ducts and/or infections, but Paisli is by far the champion at giving them to me.

I saw the surgeon again (a week later) and set a date for surgery in a few days.

I went to the OB to have a 2 week postpartum check, then had to rush home to take some powerful laxative stuff in prep for my surgery, which trapped me in the bathroom for the rest of the day.

I had surgery (hemorrhoidectomy to be exact).

Paisli's poo turned green and hasn't been baby-poo-yellow since.

I spent 2 full weeks recovering from surgery. Thank goodness for Relief Society and all the meals they sent during those weeks!

During the recovery, we took Paisli to her second doctor appointment...her 2 week check-up.

I had to return to the surgeon for a post-op check up 6 days after the surgery. He was NOT gentle when checking things. It was pretty much "drop the drawers, bend and spread 'em". Ouch!

I got clogged duct #2 during my recovery.

Hyatt got another cold, and passed it on to Kiersa.

Kiersa was hit hard by this cold. She had a cough, runny nose, fever, etc...then it went to her ear. She is our first child to ever have an ear infection.

We took Kiersa to doctor appointment #2, to have the ear infection diagnosed and to get antibiotics. They put her on Amoxicillin.

Kiersa suffered from a terrible diaper rash and raging diarrhea during the antibiotics. Her suffering was so horrible to watch. I HATE it when our kids get sick! I feel so bad for them.

I got a serious headache that literally felt as though someone was drilling a hole through my temple. I don't get bad headaches or migraines, so I just about couldn't handle the pain. Some ibuprofen, leftover Norco from my surgery, and an ice pack finally enabled me to fall asleep. I've only had one headache that was worse, and it was when my mom overdosed me on myrrh (yes, like the gold, frankincense and myrrh variety). I was pretty delirious with that pain, and this one got close to that.

Hyrum woke up early before church feeling pretty bad, and ended up erupting out both ends all morning. We have no clue what caused it.

Kiersa followed in Hyrum's footsteps the following morning by vomiting.

Paisli has been suffering from constant diaper rashes (my newborns always do), and we've discovered (after trying all brands of diaper rash ointments, vaseline, nipple cream, monistat, etc) that if we wash her at the sink rather than using baby wipes (even the sensitive kind), and then use Johnson's baby powder, we can keep the rash pretty much under control.

Paisli caught the cold and had a cough and stuffy nose.

I got clogged duct #3. It's been the same duct every time. I'm getting so tired of this! I'm not so sure that I love the whole nursing thing, other than the bonding. I have very little luck with nursing and barely manage to keep them nursing for 7-9 months before I can't take it or the baby can't take it and weans on it's own.

Kiersa was still sick 6 days after being on medication, so she went BACK to the doctor for an ear recheck. Her ear still wasn't normal, so they switched her antibiotics to Cefdinir.

Kiersa broke out in a body rash after one dose of Cefdinir, so they took her off of all medicine and we're hoping her ear will heal on it's own. We have to take her back in, AGAIN, on Monday to see if it's healed. In the meantime, her fever finally let up today, after more than a week of suffering.

Each time we take the kids to the pediatrician, it's a $30 copay. Over this last month we'll have spent $180 in copays!!! Things have GOT to improve soon or I'll be broke!

I have to go back to the surgeon tomorrow for a follow-up and then to the OB next week for my 6 week check-up. Oh, I can't wait for the appointments to end!

By the way, I've been concerned because it seems to me that they missed one of the three hemorrhoids, but I'm NOT going through surgery again. I was told something today that makes me feel a little better about it though. I was told that they can't take too much tissue off that area or else your sphincter won't let you know that you need to poo, and then you'd poo in your pants. So, it's better to leave a little than take too much off. I'd like to NOT poo my pants, thank you very much! I'll leave it alone!

Hyatt started coughing again last night and having a runny nose, so it looks like he's caught yet another bug.

Anyway, I'm sure I've missed some ailments or problems, but you get the jist of it. If you can spread it, we'll catch it!


The Lanyons said...

Man, there hasn't been any good news on your blog since Paisli was born! I feel so sorry for you guys. Maybe you're getting it all over with now so that you'll all be well for Easter! Surely it can't go on THAT long!

Our Pratt Pack said...

Are you sure you don't want to add pooing your pants into your daily routine? I feel so sorry for you guys that sucks! But on the flip side the pic of paisli in the hat was so freakin cute!

Teresa Jolley said...

Wow, I wish I was in your shoes....NOT. It must be such a pain to have to pack up 4 kids to go to dr over and over. That bites!! By the way, Darin wasn't wearing parachute pants, they were nike work out pants, he wanted me to clarify that because he is so sensitive about his appearance. Glad to see you back to the blogging, I love hearing all about my neices and nephews, that don't even know me :( Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

That just straight up SUCKS!! Sorry girl. Hope you've seen the worst of it!