Saturday, March 21, 2009

Seeing red

Hyrum has always had a thing for red-heads. His mom is a red-head, so it probably stems from that.

His brother also favors red. Funny thing is, neither Hyrum nor his brother married red-heads.

Hyrum WAS once engaged to a red-head, until he broke it off. Hyrum's mom is bright red, and she had 8 children. Not one of her children has red hair.

Susan and her girls aren't in the above picture, but none of them are red. Susan is engaged to a red-head, but can't have kids anymore. Hyrum gets red hairs in his beard and sideburns, but that's the most red that showed up in the family. Now, with all the Johnson kids being parents, not one of them has had a red-head. Elisabeth married a red-head, but her daughter is blonde.

Hyrum really wanted a red-headed daughter, but we seem to have dirty blonde kids...until Kiersa. We've been suspecting for a long time that Kiersa was strawberry blonde, but with her dark lashes and with her hair so short, it was hard to tell. Her eyebrows always looked a little red, but I thought it was just an optical illusion. If you click on these pictures, you can see the red in her eyebrows.

As she got older and got more hair, we really saw the red in her hair. When morning light shines on her hair, there's no mistaking that she's a strawberry blonde. Other people have noticed it now too and have commented to us about how we have a strawberry blonde.

So Hyrum got his wish and got his red-head, and I got my wish and got kids with dark lashes.

Kiersa learned how to do stairs while at the Bandon house (and she fell halfway down the flight of stairs while there too). So now she likes to go up and down our stairs at the apartment.

She's a super happy girl. Even when she was sick and was covered with a rash, she still played games with her shirt and gave me smiles.

If you say "on your mark, get set..." she says "Go!" She says down, tries to say Paisli, and has a tender place in her heart for her Nana.

She recognizes your facial expressions and responds to them accordingly. She's super cute and sooo sooo fun now! She's at the adorable stage where she interacts a ton, talks a ton, and plays with you like crazy. She has her daddy wrapped so tight around her finger that he can't resist her and her expressive eyes. She loves to watch Tilly and Hyatt play and joins in when she can. I can't wait until Paisli can play with her, since Tilly and Hyatt are so close and don't really care to play with others as much as each other.


The Lanyons said...

Kiersa is so cute! Are you always calling her Kiersa now? No more Milly?

I think I was strawberry blonde as a kid too.

The Not-a-hoes said...

I tried dying my hair once to satisfy the red head fetish but it just doesnt work that way.

I dont think we have any chance of having a red head baby. I do have natural red high lites in my hair when the sun shines thru it...but other than that its all thick dark almost black!

Kiersa is getting so dang cute i cant wait to see what her hair will be like Tillys length!

Angi and Jared Cowley said...

Oh, she has a special place in my heart!