Monday, March 23, 2009

Sickly, but cute, brood

With yet another round of sickness raging its way through our family, I've found myself with lots of crying little kids and LOTS of snotty noses. Tissue patrol is a full time job between 4 kids. I often feel as though I have twins, with Kiersa and Paisli, because since Kiersa is still pretty much a baby herself (at 13 months old), she needs lots of attention and holding, usually at the same time that Paisli is screaming to eat. More than once I've tried to juggle the two babies in my arms, cuddling one and feeding the other. It's tough. Usually, lately, I've been surrounded by a lot of this...

And this...

But even with all the snot, crying, fevers, erupting diapers, coughs and rashes, I still think my brood is pretty precious. Just look!

Paisli just wants to be near someone when she sleeps, so Hyrum let Tilly snuggle her to sleep. They both loved it!

Kiersa LOVES to put anyone's shoes on her hands and scoot around the room with them. She also likes putting paper under her hands and sliding around the room.

Kiersa doesn't have a lot of hair yet (she didn't start out with much and then I shaved her head at 2 months), and though she has more on top

than on the sides and back

at least the top is long enough now that I can put miniature rubber bands in her hair. I finally found some cute little clips and bought them for my girls so they can look more like girls.

Let Kiersa feed herself and this is what you'll get afterward. She doesn't care for being fed. She likes to do it herself now.

My kids have always been born with really strong necks. Hyatt was holding his own head up in the hospital. Kiersa held hers up early too.

I finally took a picture of Paisli holding hers up also.

Now, I've posted pictures of Kiersa in her favorite spot (climbing around under stools and chairs), but if you can't find her there, her next favorite spot is in baskets, or anything else she can climb on or into. She LOVES climbing!

I realize I'm camera happy and that I take a million pictures, then post a million pictures on my blog, but it's because my baby book was lost when I was 9 and there are barely any pictures of me as a child. I always felt ripped off that I didn't have a baby book and that I couldn't look at baby pictures of myself to see if my kids looked like me, so I compensate for that feeling of loss by taking millions of pictures of my kids so they will have plenty of them someday.

This is my one and only baby picture, and I'm 6 months old. Yep. I feel cheated. I guess that's what happens to the 6th child. No time for pictures.


Teresa Jolley said...

I love that your camera happy and take millions of pictures. The one's that aren't of special occasions are the best.

Angi and Jared Cowley said...

It's soooo true! My mom swears she has pictures of me as a infant or at the hospital, but in all my 31 years, she has never been able to find them. The more the better I say!