Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mommy quiz about Talea

1. WAS YOUR FIRST PREGNANCY PLANNED? Well, yes and no. I couldn't get pregnant for the first 2 1/2 years of my marriage, so I finally saw a fertility specialist, and he gave me a clomid pill to take. I waited about 6 months to take it because it was scary holding the power to get pregnant. When we heard it took some people a year to get pregnant on clomid, we decided to take it and see how long it took us. We were hoping we had a few months before it took, but it worked on the first try. THAT was unexpected and scary.


3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? Denial. Shock. Disbelief. Happiness. Fear. Happiness. Disbelief. Happiness. Elation.

4. WAS ABORTION AN OPTION FOR YOU? Never in a million years!

5. HOW OLD WERE YOU? Just turned 27.

6. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT YOU WERE PREGNANT? My cousin, Angi, who was trying to get pregnant when we were, called to say she was pregnant, and she forced me to go get a pregnancy test, so I did. I took it, and thought it said negative, so I threw it away, then called her and told her it was negative. Hyrum looked at it and while I was talking to Angi, he told me/showed me it was positive. I was shocked. It was too crazy to think I could actually be pregnant!

7. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? Well, Hyrum was showing me the test, and I was talking to Angi, and my sister Daisha and her fiance were in the room, as well as Hyrum's sister, Susan, so...all of them!

8. DID YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX? Yes. I wanted to know what clothes to buy, and though the ultrasound tech said it was a girl, I didn't trust the ultrasound since it wasn't super obvious, (despite what Hyrum says).

9. DUE DATE? May 18, 2004


11. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? Ice cream!

12. WHO/WHAT IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? Smokers. I felt like they were poisoning my baby every time I inhaled their second-hand smoke.


14. DID YOU WISH YOU HAD THE OPPOSITE SEX OF WHAT YOU WERE GETTING? I didn't really care, but I had kind of hoped for a boy so he could be the older brother to stick up for his little sisters. Hyrum wanted a girl though, and we always end up having the sex he wants.

15. HOW MANY POUNDS DID YOU GAIN THROUGHOUT THE PREGNANCY? 28. Started at 125, ended at 153.


17. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? I knew. My Aunt Judy and her daughters threw it for me and it was the coolest shower ever with fun games and amazing food. They are always so good to me and make sure I'm taken care of. I wouldn't have had much of a wedding reception or wedding shower or baby shower if it hadn't been for them.

18. DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? Yes. I got toxemia (pregnancy-induced hypertension) at 38 weeks and was induced unexpectedly.

19. WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? Rogue Valley Medical Center, Medford, Oregon

20. HOW MANY HOURS WERE YOU IN LABOR? 9 hours, 3 minutes (from the moment they gave me the 1/2 pill on my cervix at 6pm to soften the cervix to when the baby was out at 3:03am.) I never even had to get the second 1/2 pill or any pitocin. Though she was two weeks early, she was apparently more than ready to be born. I was only 1cm dilated/50% effaced when they induced me, but labor kicked in hard instantly. I tried hot showers, which were nice, but they made me stay on the machines in bed since I was induced, so by 1 am I couldn't take the pain anymore and I got an epidural. My water broke at 1:37am and she was born at 3:03 after a half hour of pushing. I tried squatting to push but felt too faint, so I pushed laying on my back putting my chin to my chest. It was awful! My sore neck pain was worse than the stitches pain I had from tearing (they threatened to give me an episiotomy so I pushed too hard, too fast and I tore).

21. WHO DROVE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL? No one. I drove to my doctor's office, met Hyrum there, and in the appointment I was told to walk across the street and check in to the hospital to have my baby because my blood pressure was too high to go on anymore. Wait, maybe we moved the cars across the street. I can't remember.

22. WHO WATCHED YOU GIVE BIRTH? Hyrum and my little sister, Shira.


24. DID YOU TAKE MEDICINE TO EASE THE PAIN? Heavens yes! I have the pain tolerance of a gnat, so I had an epidural. Worth it's pain relief in gold, I tell you!

27. HOW MUCH DID YOUR CHILD WEIGH? 5 lbs, 8 oz. 19 1/2" long.. She was unexpectedly small, most likely because her cord looked as though it was starting to have problems. Good thing she was induced early or she could have been a stillborn.

28. WHEN WAS YOUR CHILD ACTUALLY BORN? May 4, 2004. 14 days early.

30. WHAT DID YOU NAME HIM/HER? Talea Lila Johnson. I heard her name while I was substitute teaching and I liked it. Later, my dad coincidentally recommended that name. Lila is my middle name, and Hyrum LOVES it, so he wanted it to be her middle name also.

31. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST BORN TODAY? 4 years-old (she'll be 5 in May).

My turn for a Twilight review

When Twilight came out in the theaters, there seemed to be a rash of Twilight blogs popping up everywhere about how everyone went to the midnight showing of Twilight. Are you kidding me? Midnight? So here were my initial thoughts when I read those blogs.

A) How are people my age, with kids, able to keep their eyelids open for the entire length of a movie that starts at midnight?

B) Is this movie so great that people can't wait for a showing that's not at a freakishly late hour (for a movie anyway)? Or is the midnight showing just to add to the vampire theme?

C) I can't remember the last time I stayed up that late to start a movie. If it's past 9ish, it's too late for me.

D) What is Twilight and what's with all the hoopla?

I vaguely remembered in the back of my mind that a couple of my friends had on their blogs or facebook or something a long while ago about how they were reading a book called Twilight, or Breaking Dawn, or other books with black covers and a chess piece or hands and an apple or such. I'm visual, so I remember the appearance of the book covers they posted more than the titles. I guess I don't read enough to be "with in" in the literary world. I just can't squeeze sitting down to read a book into my schedule because too many things would suffer as a result. I can only listen to books on CD these days so I can multitask. I'm a multitasking queen these days! Blogging while nursing or watching movies is my specialty. (Can you guess what I'm doing right now while typing? Yep. Nursing.)

Back to my review. Suddenly, the countdown until Twilight was released was plastered all over Walmart and I was hearing about it everywhere. I heard the author was Mormon and went to BYU, so I thought it was interesting that her book had become another phenomenon like Harry Potter. We recently suspended our satellite service since it was sucking our lives away, and we got Netflix instead. We put in on our queue, and it arrived while I was in the hospital with Paisli last week. Hyrum texted me and asked if he could watch it without me, but I wouldn't let him. I had to see what all the excitement was about, and we have to watch movies together so neither one of us is out of the loop when we quote movies or talk about them.

I finally got to watch Twilight on Saturday. I realize, from the reviews my friends posted on their blogs, that the movie isn't as spectacular as the book, but what movie ever is unless it's a 6-8 hour BBC version? I make it a point to never read a book before watching the movie if I can help it. Reading the book first always ruins the movie. By watching the movie first, I can enjoy the theatrical version and then read the book later and fill in all the gaps and details. I can never enjoy any theatrical version of "The Count of Monte Cristo" because the book is phenomenal and no movie version can come close to comparing, and I read the book first.

What did I think of the movie? The first time through, I thought it was okay. A little odd, but fine. I found it strange that a Mormon author would use the Lord's name in vain, and that the prom would have a gambling theme, and that there would be a steamy bedroom make-out scene that almost led to underage, premarital naughtiness. Maybe those things weren't in the book though. Maybe that's just Hollywood's corruption of a good thing in order to boost ticket sales with lusty overtones. I guess I'll have to read the book now to find out. Or maybe someone who has already read the book can tell me. I did watch most of it again the following morning (Hyrum started it while I was sleeping since I said I didn't want to watch it again instead of returning it) since we couldn't take the kids to church for fear of spreading their crud or them catching new stuff while they're vulnerable (especially Paisli). I liked it better the second time because I caught more stuff. I have to say though,

A) Doesn't anyone in Forks think it's weird that ALL of the Cullens, who everyone thinks are foster kids, are ghostly white? Not that Bella isn't super white too, but come on! A little too much coincidence to ignore.

B) Edward is not as drop dead gorgeous as everyone made him sound. He's a bit too creepy to be gorgeous. And Bella's voice is a bit obnoxious. She sounds completely bored or indifferent ALL the time. A bit husky or manly maybe too. But she IS gorgeous. I love her hair.

C) Why are there so many names in this book that are also in my family? Edward (my brother-in-law...Daisha's husband), Isabella (my niece's middle name...Tasha's daughter, Cage), and Cullen (my little sister's married name...Shira). Hmmm. Maybe I'm overlooking some genetic predisposition to vampiring in my family.

D)Isn't it strange that the Cullens all have ultra-cool cars? I don't know of any foster kids with such luck.

I think it's interesting how the books with mass hysteria and devout followers attached to their titles are about either teenage witches/wizards or teenage vampires. So if you're an aspiring author and looking to make a killing, I'd say write a book about teenage zombies or something else equally dark and controversial, so there is sure to be book burnings and protests, thus increasing your book sales since naughty or banned things always draw more interest. Oh, it needs to be a series too, that way it can be made into a movie...or 6, and you can get even more money.

I looked up the author, Stephenie Meyer, and read a little about why she wrote the book and how it came to be. I thought it was awesome that she started it by saying "As you might have guessed from the length of my book, I can't tell a short story—this is going to take a while. You have been warned." I like her already because that's exactly how I am. I'm a long-winded typer. Would that make me a long-fingered typer?

Hyrum checked out The Host (by Twilight's author) on CD and I started listening to it with him, but I got bored and found my mind wandering too frequently to stay caught up on what was happening (he since continued it and says it's getting better). Hopefully Twilight is better, or I'll just stick to the theatrical versions of the book.

Overall, I'd give it 4 out of 5 stars since I liked it enough to watch it a second time so quickly. I wouldn't have stood in line for tickets though, or gone at midnight. But...I didn't read the book first, so maybe I would have felt different if I had.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Don't scare me like that!

By now, you are all aware of our health saga...it's been ongoing since before Paisli was born. If you're not, read my older posts to catch up, and then remember: do not, I repeat, DO NOT have a baby during the winter or early spring months. There is too much sickness going around! I've had 2 February babies; never by choice...my jinx got me pregnant at the wrong time. I wanted to have babies in June or July. In all honesty, I CAN'T control the months that I conceive. My body is completely unpredictable and has a mind of its own. Hence my 2 1/2 years of infertility (requiring the intervention of fertility drugs in order to conceive) shortly followed thereafter by mega-fertility (2 kids just shy of 12 months apart). I never know when I will, or will not, be able to conceive, making family planning extremely difficult. It then gets left up to chance. Two years apart for 3 kids was great for "chance," but 2 days shy of 12 months apart was less than ideal.

On to the update. Since we didn't seem to be jinxed ENOUGH already, we were afflicted with yet another health challenge. Hyrum gave you a quick glimpse (2 posts ago) into what happened over the past couple of days. I'll fill in the gaps.

Sickness was on it's third cycle through our house. Hyrum went to church while I stayed home with sick babies. Kiersa seemed recovered from her ear infection, but Hyrum had meetings so he couldn't take her. Then on Monday morning, Kiersa had a runny nose, again, along with all the other kids. The coughing at night was reminiscent of a haunted mansion filled with sickly ghosts. I'd lay in bed listening the the coughs, trying to fall asleep, but my mothering instinct was running on full steam and it kept popping my eyelids open with each cough or moan or movement (we live in a tiny apartment, so all my kids sleep within 15 feet of me, thus they're easy to hear). I began to feel extremely sleep-deprived by morning. Poor Hyrum was just as sleep-deprived as me because he gets up to help the bigger kids while I take care of the baby.

By Tuesday, all the kids sounded horrid, but Paisli sounded scary, AND she was running a fever of up to 102. It got its worst in the evening of course. Her coughs sounded wet and strained and came in bursts of coughing fits and spasms. I had to suck her nose out and had to hold her all night so I could listen to her breathing. I thought about an ER visit, but thought I was overreacting. By Wednesday, I was scared she had RSV and with being a day shy of 6 weeks, I was scared for how fragile her little system was. I called the doctor's office, and waited...and waited...and waited. I killed time by taking pictures of the snot-fest in my house and starting a post about it. When the doctor's office called back, they said "How old is she? And she has a fever? Drop what you're doing and get her in here right now. We'll squeeze her in." Okay, if that didn't make my skin turn cold, I don't know what would.

I then began the process of wrangling 4 kids by myself. I was flying around the place with a brush and rubber bands in one hand, little socks and shoes in the other, grabbing for jackets, calling out orders and making mental lists of things I needed to put in my diaper bag that had, of course, just run out: formula, a bottle with water, 2 sizes of diapers...don't forget to check for wipes and grab the cell phone and keys. I, naturally, looked like a scum because with 4 kids, sickness, a blog to keep up in order to document our family's life, pictures to take, children to dress and feed, a house to clean...something's gotta give. And that something is applying my makeup and doing my hair in something other than a messy bun.

Now, of course, with my luck, things couldn't go smoothly. Talea started yelling in her "emergency voice", as I call it, that Hyatt was bleeding. So while I tended to his bloody lip (I never did get whether it was Tilly or Hyatt's fault), Talea went crawling under my bed to find a toy pig, and came out covered in crud. I was frazzled to my breaking point by this point. I was on edge from severe lack of sleep for the past 2 days, had just had the doctors scare the crud out of me, was trying to get everything together without forgetting anything, was patching bloody lips...and now just after getting her all ready to walk out the door, Talea has to go spelunking under my bed with the dust bunnies. I admit I lost it and booted Talea in the rear since my arms were full of babies and I couldn't spank her with my hands. I did have the presence of mind to do it soft enough to not knock her down, but man, I couldn't believe she'd gone under there in the crud to get a stinking little plastic pig when she knew I was rushing to get out the door. She never even plays with that pig! I know, she's only 4, but I only have so much temper and my stress capacity is only so high. Sorry Tilly.

So, about 30 minutes later, I was heading out the door with a baby in each arm and a diaper bag on my shoulder. As I was locking the door, I thought maybe I should have packed a hospital bag just in case, but I didn't have the time to do it now. And what about my camera! I didn't have the hands to carry it now, and I didn't have the time to buckle all the kids in their seats and then go up and get it. The camera was left behind.

I stopped by the shop to grab Hyrum because after that fiasco, I couldn't imagine herding them all to the doctors office alone, and then possibly the hospital. I grabbed Hyrum and we headed off. When I got to the doctor's office, the nurse mentioned that she looked fine and that her temperature was only 99. Great! Just what I needed! Wouldn't it be my luck for Paisli to act fine for the doctor and then freak me out at home? While Paisli was being examined, she confirmed our concern that Paisli does indeed have a hernia, but it's a small one that should heal on it's own with time. Luckily, while being examined, Paisli threw a pretty good coughing spasm, so the doctor got to see what was freaking me out. Paisli was blowing mucous bubbles and sounded like she was drowning. The doctor looked very serious as she watched Paisli have her fit, then she sent us down to radiology to get an X-ray. She warned us that the contraption they put the babies in to hold them still looks like a Chinese torture mechanism, so I had Hyrum take her in for it. I knew if it looked scary I wouldn't be able to handle it. When he came out, he said it was pretty funny and that he wanted one for each of our kids, but when he showed me the picture, it about broke my heart. I'm so glad he was there for it instead of me!

When the doctor looked at the X-ray, she said she could tell there was pnemonia and she was afraid that the cough could be Pertussis (whooping cough) because of how it came in fits, and that she probably had RSV. Holy cow! My poor baby! She was also going to test her for a urinary tract infection since she'd had such a fever. She felt that after witnessing the coughing fit and with the pnemonia and with how young and fragile Paisli was, she needed to admit her to the hospital. So off to the hospital we went. They masked our entire family (ha! try keeping a mask on a 13 month old!) and took us to pediatrics, then they took Paisli and hooked her arm up with an IV and drew blood and attempted a cathader for collecting a urine specimen, but they were unsuccessful with that until our pediatrician (Dr. Rabin) made it there later that evening. Everyone that came in had to wear a mask and a disposable robe/apron thingy to keep the germs isolated in her room. This is Dr. Rabin after Paisli's birth.

Now, here's the best part. They checked us into the Nookie Room! That's room 321 in case you want to request it. We were told by the nurse that its the only room in the hospital with one way windows into the courtyard because they use that room for "certain things". What things? Conjugal visits? It's a pediatric room! Do the doctors and nurses sneak into this room to get a little nookie? Do they take unruly pediatric patients in there for beatings? I'm betting on the nookie. So I took advantage of my privacy and left the curtain open while I hung my breast out and fed Paisli. I did that at night too when the lights were on in my room and it was dark in the courtyard. Hyrum thought it was weird that only that one room would be one-way windows, so during the day, he went out and looked at our window, and came back saying he could see the curtain through the window, so he thought it was all bogus. Great! I was flashing everyone in the hallways my saggy nursing boobs as they walked around the courtyard! I hope no one recognized me! Stinking nurse, Gemi, for leading me astray!

Anyway, the tests came back positive for RSV, so we knew she had that, and that she had pnemonia, but it would take 3 days to get the results of the pertussis test, so they started her on antibiotics for that, just in case. Hyrum called Kevin Muntifering (Kaylynns's long-time significant other) to come help him give Paisli a blessing, but Hyrum's oil has been sitting in it's container for a while because it looked more like motor oil when it came out, and smelled pretty rancid. Oh well. She got her blessing, and a hair wash when I couldn't take the smell any longer.

Her IV ended up going bad during the night, which apparently happens a lot with saline locks on infants, so they took it out and would have to do shots instead, but she never did get a shot. The IV looked so awful because her little hand and arm were all wrapped up in gauze and tubes. I got a picture of it on my phone, but until I get an SD reader, that's where it will stay (our new mac doesn't have a spot for SD cards). Her lungs were weezy all Wednesday and part of Thursday, but then they started to clear off and on and all that was left was a crackle over her pnemonia spot. Here's what she looked like during her coughing spasms. Pretty sad, isn't it? She really was struggling for each breath and her eyes and nose would turn very red, though it doesn't show up with the flash.

She didn't always look scary though. Occassionally, she'd grin her cute little baby smile.

My nights were spent like this since she wouldn't sleep peacefully any other way.

Lucky for us, it's Spring Beak, and my twin brothers came up to visit. They arrived while we were in the doctor's office, and it was really handy to have them because on Thursday, Weston

was able to go help our installer, Jeremy, with a counter top job and Dallas

stayed at the office with Talea and Hyatt to answer phones and watch the shop while Hyrum came to the hospital with Kiersa. Kierce thought it was great fun to play in the curtains,

and we thought the prison cell crib was a better place to contain Kiersa than Paisli.

It was nice to have Hyrum's moral support with me since I was pretty stressed about it all. This was my second scare with Paisli since her birth where in the back of my mind I was terrified I might lose her. Hyrum really is the best husband with how he puts our family above all else and supports me whenever I need him.

On Thursday, Paisli turned 6 weeks, and I had my 6 week postpartum check up with my OB, so since Hyrum was with us at the hospital, I left him with Paisli and Kiersa and walked across the road to Dr. Groth's office.
Here's Dr. Groth, the best OB ever, at the hospital when I gave birth to Paisli. He's a little groggy from me waking him up at 3 am.

I weigh 155 now, which was my starting weight with Paisli's pregnancy (though I'd already gotten up to 160 by my first OB appointment), so this is the first baby where I've dropped ALL of my pregnancy weight (24 pounds, not just the 19 I gained since my first appointment) by 6 weeks. Just goes to show how much excess weight I'm carrying if I'm able to drop all my weight by 6 weeks.

Really, Paisli was hospitalized as a precaution since an infant so young can crash in an instant, but in reality, we weathered the worst of the storm at home because once we were in the hospital, her fever subsided and she started to improve. There is no medication for RSV. There is just breathing treatments (oxygen) when needed, so it's good to be in the hospital in case the baby is laboring to breathe or stops altogether. Paisli never had to get a breathing treatment. It's most likely that the rest of my kids have RSV also, but it's not as severe with them since they're older.

They let us go home on Friday morning, after 2 nights and a day there. It was comforting to be there while her coughing was so scary, but it's almost impossible to get any sleep in a hospital with how many times they come in to do little things, like change your drinking water at 4 am. Come on! I'm trying to be asleep, not drinking!

So, since the start of our life as a family, we've had several firsts, all coincidentally within the last month.
First ear infection.
First hernia.
First surgery.
First bloody poo diaper.
First RSV.
First pnemonia.
First hospitalized child.

Up until a few months ago or so, I'd never even taken my kids to the doctor for a cold before. I've made up for almost 5 years of pretty darn good health with one month of plague, and $180 of copays. Let's hope the rest of spring treats us better.

My baby is so precious to me, and I'm so grateful for all the prayers and/or energy (Tasha) that were focused on us in our time of need. She's looking like she'll be okay and I'm so happy that we get to keep her in our family. Thank you, everyone, for your love and support and concern. We felt it and needed it. I hope all of you get a chance to meet our pretty Paisli and see for yourselves what a wonderful little girl she is.

It' snot a very healthy household

For the past 4 days, I've been on mega snot-patrol. After a round of using the sucker on Paisli's nose, wiping Kiersa's nose while she screams and shakes her head and pushes my hands away, helping Hyatt and Tilly blow so they use one tissue instead of 4, I have to repeat the same round only a couple of minutes later. Ahhhh! I DARE you to click on the pictures and view the snot up close! To scared? I don't blame you.

Hyatt refuses to learn to blow his nose. Other kids younger than him can, but he can't. We thought he learned the other day, but then realized that he was just sucking it up farther when the tissue was on his nose. He wasn't actually blowing it out. The poor guy has had nasal problems since birth. I had to suck out his nose with the bulb syringe constantly...and not because he was sick. He sounds a bit nasaly, especially when he's whiny and crying. Maybe it's just painful for him to blow? I don't know.

Poor Paisli is so little that her snot has to be sucked out of her nose with a bulb syringe. It just rattles inside so lucky for your viewing pleasure, she doesn't have a visibly runny nose. FYI, the more Paisli's hair lightens, the more red she looks. I think she'll be another strawberry blonde like Kiersa.

And to make things worse, Kiersa keeps throwing up when I give her bottles because she has so much mucous that even soy milk and rice milk are too much for her. She wants bottles so bad, but they only make things worse. I was taking pictures of the kids and their snotty noses when I saw Kiersa looking like this:

Only after the picture did I realize that she didn't have just milk on her chin. When I put the camera down, I noticed she was playing with a puddle of snotty puke on her leg. Ah, the glorious surprises that come with motherhood!

****I started this post on Wednesday while I was waiting for the doctor's office to call me back. I didn't get to finish it until Friday because in the middle of writing it, the office called and said to drop what I was doing and immediately get Paisli over there and they'd squeeze her in. We ended up in the hospital with her after that, so this post is a bit outdated.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Jinx strikes again!!!!

Kay, well it is Hyrum again and so this will be short and to the point. I will leave the rest to Tiana. Paisli just keep getting worse and worse and so we took her to the doctor today, the doctor had us check into the hospital. The diagnoses is RSV and pneumonia, but before going to the hospital we had to get X rays. It looks like they are putting Paisli in a bank tube in the drive thru.
(Daisha I don't think they make these big enough for Dakota but you were asking for ways to discipline, you might think about this one.) They had to put her in this in order to get her to stay still long enough. For more details you will have to wait for Tiana but I thought I would give an update for those who might care. The doctor wants her in there for at least 2 days but not limiting it. If you would remember her in your prayers it would be much appreciated

Monday, March 23, 2009

A day late and a dollar short

I think if I'd always had this on Kiersa's head, no one would have ever called her a boy. I managed to get her to keep it on just long enough for a little fashion show for Daddy.

Sickly, but cute, brood

With yet another round of sickness raging its way through our family, I've found myself with lots of crying little kids and LOTS of snotty noses. Tissue patrol is a full time job between 4 kids. I often feel as though I have twins, with Kiersa and Paisli, because since Kiersa is still pretty much a baby herself (at 13 months old), she needs lots of attention and holding, usually at the same time that Paisli is screaming to eat. More than once I've tried to juggle the two babies in my arms, cuddling one and feeding the other. It's tough. Usually, lately, I've been surrounded by a lot of this...

And this...

But even with all the snot, crying, fevers, erupting diapers, coughs and rashes, I still think my brood is pretty precious. Just look!

Paisli just wants to be near someone when she sleeps, so Hyrum let Tilly snuggle her to sleep. They both loved it!

Kiersa LOVES to put anyone's shoes on her hands and scoot around the room with them. She also likes putting paper under her hands and sliding around the room.

Kiersa doesn't have a lot of hair yet (she didn't start out with much and then I shaved her head at 2 months), and though she has more on top

than on the sides and back

at least the top is long enough now that I can put miniature rubber bands in her hair. I finally found some cute little clips and bought them for my girls so they can look more like girls.

Let Kiersa feed herself and this is what you'll get afterward. She doesn't care for being fed. She likes to do it herself now.

My kids have always been born with really strong necks. Hyatt was holding his own head up in the hospital. Kiersa held hers up early too.

I finally took a picture of Paisli holding hers up also.

Now, I've posted pictures of Kiersa in her favorite spot (climbing around under stools and chairs), but if you can't find her there, her next favorite spot is in baskets, or anything else she can climb on or into. She LOVES climbing!

I realize I'm camera happy and that I take a million pictures, then post a million pictures on my blog, but it's because my baby book was lost when I was 9 and there are barely any pictures of me as a child. I always felt ripped off that I didn't have a baby book and that I couldn't look at baby pictures of myself to see if my kids looked like me, so I compensate for that feeling of loss by taking millions of pictures of my kids so they will have plenty of them someday.

This is my one and only baby picture, and I'm 6 months old. Yep. I feel cheated. I guess that's what happens to the 6th child. No time for pictures.