Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weekend by the waves

While the weather was gorgeous, and the Goodman's were here to give us incentive, we took off on Saturday and Sunday (a couple weeks ago) and did a weekend trip up the Oregon coast. The Goodman's drove our mini van and we drove our new SUV (we traded in our truck so we could accommodate another baby in February).

It was such a fun trip!

We just drove up Hwy 101 and stopped at most all of the look out points to explore all that we could.

This is by the Umpqua light house.

This is next to the Sea Lion Caves. When Hyrum and I paid to go to the cave a few years ago, we thought it was a waste of money, so we just broke out the binoculars and watched the sea lions play in the waves this trip.

We finally found a parking area with beach access and it was almost time for the sun to set, so we got some fun pictures.

The adorable Goodman silhouettes:

Kiersa's getting more courage for walking.

We stopped just north of Newport to try to play in the tide pools at low tide, but it was a pretty steep climb down to the ocean. We braved it anyway with 5 kids under 4, and though we got close to the bottom,

a waterfall ended up in our way.

We climbed back up to the top, and then John found an alternate route (John is way down there...can you spot him?),

but poor Maren's fear of heights had already gotten the best of her and the tide was beginning to come in, so we ditched the idea of trying to scale down again with the kids.

We drove on up 101 as far as Lincoln City, had lunch, then turned around and went back to Newport and visited the Oregon Coast Aquarium. The last time we went there, Hyatt was a baby, and now that Tilly is older, she ADORED it! If it was a little closer, I'd get a year round pass and take her monthly. She couldn't get enough of the sea creatures and fish!

Kiersa and the other kids had a great time watching the otters, and we were able to see them feed the seals and sea lions.

The otter got a little frisky with himself, which the kids found interesting. What do you do?

Here's Maren's little crew.

Poor John recently came down with carpal tunnel syndrome and his hands have been driving him nuts, especially at night. The work he's doing on our house isn't helping the situation at all. You can see the brace he's wearing in this picture. I can feel his pain!! My carpal tunnel is so aggravated while I'm pregnant.





Johnsons in 2009 and 2006


Tiana 2009 and 2006

Hyrum 2009 and 2006




Talea was THRILLED to pet a little shark and the bat rays.

And the anemones are always a big hit.

Inside a fish tank!

Talea 2009

Talea 2006

A gorgeous end to a fun day.

We ended our trip by stopping by a mom & pop shop to get some saltwater taffy and Tillamook ice cream. Fun times!
It is SO MUCH FUN when friends and family come to visit and we get a chance to go off and do fun things that we never do without the incentive of visitors. Hopefully more weekends like this are in our future. Maybe Wildlife Safari? We took Teresa there with her little family years ago.


Nial and Elle said...

That sounds like such a fun trip with the kids!!! I had the awesome chance to take my nephew to the Seattle Aquarium just last week--such a hit!
The silouette pictures are so awesome, I love the coast... Nial always talks about it too.

Anonymous said...

What a fun trip! I wish I was there. great pictures!

The Lanyons said...

I love the pictures at Sunset - we'll have to go to the beach when I come out and take some of our fam too!!

The Not-a-hoes said...

I am pretty sure the beach where you took your sunset pics is the same beach i used to always take frankie to. it looks exactly like it! I do miss visits to the beach

Teresa Jolley said...

I was wondering what happened toJohns wrist. Poor guy. You better feel well enough to at least take us on one trip to the beach when we're there.

The Not-a-hoes said...

Well the one David and I went to all the time was in Bandon, but one sad day when I just wanted to drive I took frankie and we drove for probably 3 hours and I was alone with him for that one, The pic with Hyrum and Kiersa walking up the sidewalk is what made me think it was the same beach. Frankie pooped on that grass :)

John-Maren Goodman said...

THANK YOU SOOOO much for the awesome, wonderful weekend!~ We had a blast!!! My post of this awesome weekend will be coming soon! I promise!