Wednesday, January 28, 2009

36 weeks...only 4 weeks to go

My computer has been on the fritz ever since my brothers came to visit, so I'm way behind on my journaling. We did a weekend coast trip with the Goodmans and a bunch of other stuff has happened that I haven't been able to post about since my computer is down. I can't post any pictures here at work, so I've just been waiting...and waiting. I'm tired of waiting so I'm going to post this from work...without pictures.

I've decided to post about my 36 week appointment yesterday though, since I don't have pictures for it anyway.

My blood pressure is still low, so it's highly unlikely that I'll get toxemia. I just get swollen randomly for no reason I guess.

I lost 2 pounds!!!! Shocking but true! I'm back down to 177. I was SURE I'd gain AT LEAST 4 more pounds with Hyrum and Maren's sweet tooth and thus the constant cookie and dessert production that happens at my house lately, so I refused to step on the scale for the last 2 weeks for fear of seeing the number above 180. It's exciting news for me to lose weight though, because my trend always seems to be that I lose weight just before the baby arrives. Hopefully this means I don't have long.

Maren swears that it looks like the baby has dropped, but I don't know. I think it seems lower, but not too low yet. My belly is at 36 1/2 cm now, so I'm not shrinking by any means. Everyone at church is shocked at how big my belly is. As I walk by, I'll hear, "Oh...heavy load, huh?" or similar things. I swear this baby is enormous compared to my other ones at 36 weeks. Every movement the baby makes seems to throw me around. The doctor gave me the sad news that it feels like it's already close to 7 pounds, so I'm terrified it's going to be a 9 pounder if I go full term. No wonder I'm getting stretch marks!! My doctor doesn't think I'll make it to 40 weeks though, and he's been right on with my others. He thinks I'll only go to 38 or 39 weeks.

After my appointment, we went to Walmart and did some grocery shopping. I had a bunch of contractions while there, so I had Hyrum check last night to see if I've begun dilating, and sure enough, I have, though I'm only at a 1. Just a few days ago, I wasn't dilating at all. (Uh, in case you didn't know, my doctor taught Hyrum how to check my dilation since Hyrum has no fear, so that's how I know when to head to the Hyrum telling me how far I'm dilated.)

As far as I'm concerned, this baby can come out any time, but I guess technically it needs to be in there until next Monday to get to 37 weeks so it's not considered pre-term. But seriously, I'm scared of pushing a monster-sized baby out. After Monday, I think I'll be walkin' 'round the neighborhood!!!


Anonymous said...

It wouldn't not be particularly good news for us if the baby comes early! We won't be there until the 21st, but I know that you are in good hands with Hyrum, Maren and John all there! Much love, Mom

Teresa Jolley said...

I bet Hyrum Loves to know how to check to see if your dialated :) Darin wouldn't dare. He doesn't like to associate my area down there with babies. Lol.

The Lanyons said...

I still can't believe Hyrum's little talent in the dilation department!!
I think it's only fair you have a baby that's overdue for once! You haven't really experienced all the joys of pregnancy until you gone two weeks over!!