Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pregnancy scars

Each baby has left me scarred in some way.

Talea's delivery was the thing that did me in. I tore since the nurse kept threatening me with an episiotomy, so I pushed too hard and too fast before the doctor was can imagine the rest.

While pregnant with Hyatt, I fell in the Walmart parking lot and seriously sprained my ankle. It's bothered me ever since.

While pregnant with Kiersa, I got a pyogenic granuloma on my nose (google it if you're not sure what it is...only 5% of pregnant women get them and I was one of them). I had it removed, but I have a permanent scar, or large indentation, on the side of my nose now.

I also got a couple of very small stretch marks, but they are really low on my belly, so they're pretty much never seen, and they came in the last week before she was born.

With this current pregnancy, I have 7 weeks left, and I'm getting lots of stretchmarks now!! I'm so sad that I made it all the way through 3 pregnancies without visible reminders of them, but now I'm paying for it. I guess I always knew my body didn't have a chance since I got pregnant so quickly after Kiersa and I hadn't lost NEAR enough weight. I'm just so sad to see that even with all the belly butter and cremes, I'm finding new stretchmarks every day and they get longer each day. Ah, the sacrifices of motherhood.


The Not-a-hoes said...

Hey now i am only on baby # 1 and i am covered in stretch marks!! My belly is starting to look like a watermelon!! its so gross, but at least im only getting them on my tummy. they are only purple for about a week then they fade to a darker color so hopefully after a while they wont be too nasty!

The Lanyons said...

I can't believe you didn't get them until your fourth pregnancy! They're so lame but they do fade - it's the bumpy, washboard feeling that's nasty.

Karin Stephens said...

I am so jealous it's taken you until now to get stretch marks. I retain water horribly so I have really marks marks everywhere from the top of my belly to mid-thigh. I don't know if I have any new ones yet. I'm hoping with my much needed and hoped for one day tummy tuck that they will mostly be gone. A C-Section doesn't do great things for the belly either.

Teresa Jolley said...

Your lucky you didn't get alot until now. Daylon did it in for me, he was 8 lbs and the last month my stomach was completly covered,but with Rain, I still managed to get a few more above my belly button, I'm so small with this one, I doubt I'll get anymore, I guess i shouldn't jinx myself.