Monday, January 19, 2009

New Years

For New Years, we went down to Ashland. Hyrum's sister, Maren, and her husband John were driving over from Utah to help us on our house, so we went down to meet them at my parents house to shorten their trip by 3 hours. Before they got there, we took the kids to the snow since we hardly ever see snow over here on the coast. It wasn't a great snow day since it hadn't snowed in a while and the little snow there was was slushy and littered with tree debris. But that didn't spoil our fun! We didn't have a snow parking pass (we never remember to get one ahead of time), so our only choice was to do the old reliable and drive as far as we could up Tolman Creek Rd until we couldn't go any further. We drove up as far as we could before our road tires wouldn't go anymore on the slushiness, then we got the kids dressed

and Tilly immediately made a snow angel. She loves doing this so much that she goes into withdrawals and tries to make dirt/gravel angels in the parking lot at our office since we never get snow.

Poor thing wants to live in the snow so bad.

We took Dallas and Weston with us and they were handy for towing the kids up the road on the sled.

This was Kiersa's first experience in the snow, and she loved it! She had her first taste of snow, and surprisingly, wanted more!

Dallas threw snowballs with rocks in 'em (thanks 7 Brides) and happened to hit Hyatt in the face, but little Hy handled it pretty well. He and Talea tried to catch all the snowballs after that, but Dallas was gunshy about hitting them again, so the kids didn't even get close.

Hyrum and Weston tried to get Dallas back.

Sadly, for sledding, there was hardly any snow on the hillside. The kids still climbed the hill to attempt sledding, so their clothes got all muddy. Stinkin' laundry.

When we were tired of playing, Hyrum hauled the kids back to the car.

I realize no one took any pictures of me since I had the camera the whole time, so I'll throw in a picture of me that Talea took because I always wish my friends and family would post more pictures of themselves.


Cindi said...

Lovely pic, Tiana! :D

Marcee said...

It is so fun to go to the snow. We got to do that on Christmas Eve again this year and had fun, sort of. It was raining... tons! But what can you do... Glad the kids had fun!!

And since you were so honest on my blog for my name choices I have to say... Bronco - seriously!?!

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun. I love that you included the last picture!

The Lanyons said...

I love that Talea makes gravel angels!! She's hilarious. Tabitha is always talking about her whenever she's reminded of something they did together when you where out here. She'll be so excited to see her in April.

Nial and Elle said...

The pic is great! I guess your right, Daisha never posts pics of herself and I don't really post much of myself. I'm definitely envious of your new camera :)