Friday, January 9, 2009

Hyrum to the rescue

Our anniversary came and went usual. No dinner out. No special hotel. Nothin'. It was my year to plan something, but I stink at surprises and every cool place to stay was booked and Hyrum didn't want to spend a bunch of money since we just spent enough on Christmas for 3 kids. Hyrum and I have to be the worst people on the planet when it comes to celebrating holidays or decorating or planning for them. We didn't even put up Christmas decorations this year. I feel ashamed when I see all the cool things Daisha does for every holiday, major or minor, but we're just not good at it!

December 30th is a cruddy day to get married because you're broke after Christmas and it's sandwiched between two holidays. I was teaching when we got married though, so it was either December or June, and since Hyrum had already waited a year and a half for me to allow him to propose (he had the ring for over 1 1/2 years), he wasn't willing to wait until June to marry me after getting a "yes" out of me in September. He thought it would be great to have a winter wedding, and it is nice, but we NEVER get to celebrate it. The most we've done is go to dinner, oh and one time we stayed at a Holiday Inn Express since our buddy was the manager and he gave us his discount on their suite. It's not that we don't want to celebrate just never gets to happen. We didn't even do gifts this year...


the other day Hyrum bought me a camera to replace my precious camera that was stolen during our trip to London!!!! I previously had the Canon Rebel XTi, but he replaced it with a Canon EOS Rebel XSi, which is awesome because I don't have to use the eyepiece to take a picture. I can look at the screen!!!

So something good came out of the pain of getting my great friend (my camera) stolen from under my nose. I upgraded! And I can still use my canon attachments/lenses that weren't stolen!

And the best thing is...

It was only something like $400 instead $800!!! Hyrum had a bunch of rebate coupons to use at Staples, so he got the camera there at a huge discount! I'm thrilled because though I love the convenience of my pocket-sized camera, the quality doesn't even compare and the red-eye drives me nuts.

So since we didn't get each other much for Christmas and NOTHING for our anniversary, the camera is our "Merry Christmas, Happy Anniversary, Happy New Year, Happy Valentines and Thanks For Having My Baby" present. My dad traditionally gives my mom a huge gift (usually she wants a major appliance) when she has a baby, so Hyrum does that for me too, and this camera is my early present since the baby is due in about 6 weeks.

I told him I needed a replacement before the baby arrived, and we need to take pictures of kitchens we've done in the last year before the Home Show in April, and since the coupons expired in a couple of weeks, the time was now. I'm very excited! This time I'm going to read the manual and learn how to do cool stuff with the camera...not just point and shoot.

Maybe I'll engrave my name and phone number on it too so someone will know if it was stolen...if that happens again. Dang thieves!


Lissel Dalton said...

Tiana, I am green with envy! All I have is a crummy point and shoot (had it only one year and it is awful!) and I have so been wanting a DSLR...I will live through your photos until I can get one!

The Lanyons said...

I'm so glad you got your camera upgraded! It really takes the sting out of losing something if you can replace it with something better (eg my old lame stroller that rolled in the poo got replace with a Maclaren - fantastic!)

I don't celebrate every holiday in a fun way - we hardly do anything for New Years! Just sparklers and watch the contdown/celebration on TV. That's pretty lame. But I do love holidays - they brighten up each month!

Marcee said...

Holidays are the best!! We look forward to them every month. Zackary loves them more than I do I think. He is so cute.

Great camera!! I have a good one, not digital, but I love it.. You will want/need one for this new baby anyhow!

Teresa Jolley said...

I'm jealous. I'll never get one of those because I can't justify spending that much money on a camera when I can take pictures with the one I have and they come out fine. Maybe one day.... when we're rich. haha

The George's said...

How exciting. That's a great idea about a big gift when you have a baby. I might have to work on that one.

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOh I'm jealous. How fun. I expect to see some rockin' photos!