Thursday, June 4, 2009

Shake your booty

Kiersa LOVES to dance! She usually dances with her arms, but will also wiggle her tooshie when she hears music.

I was shocked to find out today how many songs Kiersa knew motions to: Do As I'm Doing, Pat-a-Cake, Popcorn Popping, etc. I guess Talea has been teaching her, because I'd forgotten to (I'm not much of a singer or music person). Every day she shocks me with how advanced she is compared to how Talea and Hyatt were at her age. Not that they weren't smart, but she just seems to have a thirst for knowledge and she just "watches" every move you make.

Just tonight she was tearing apart Hyatt's jammie drawer, so Hyrum called Hyatt and told him Kiersa was getting into his stuff, so Kiersa sudddenly stopped dead in her tracks, threw everything back in, and shoved the drawer shut (it's a huge, heavy drawer too) before Hyatt could run out to stop her, then she glanced back at Hyrum to check for approval. We were laughing so hard!

She even LOVES books and constantly brings me books to read her all day. My other kids weren't into books until much later. I wonder if she'll want to learn to read instead of play with bugs. Tabitha, want to give lessons? Maybe she'll be Talea's opposite! Maybe it's just a phase. Hmmm.

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Yeah, an obsession with books is the first clue! I'll have to get that Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons book back from my friend and bring it next time I come out. Tilly and Hyatt might like it too.