Kiersa is finally old enough to really play with the big kids. She gets in wrestling matches with Hyatt and tickle fights with Talea. She doesn't seem like a baby anymore since she plays with the big kids. She loves cuddling and kissing Paisli and each time Kiersa gets sick, 2 days later Paisli has the same cold, only worse. I can't keep them separated!
When Kiersa wants something, especially my attention, she YELLS, "Mah--Mmmmmmeeeeeee!!"
She loves riding the horse the kids got for Christmas, and probably rides it more than the big kids do. She rides it all wild and crazy like she's been doing it for years, and she can even get down by herself afterward. She's fearless, just like Talea.
After learning to do stairs back in February, she's been obsessed with them, and she now wants to walk up and down like a big kid. It scares me, but I can't stop her, and with giving in and allowing her to do it, she's become quite good at it. She never crawls up and down, only walks.
Shooting guns must flow in my children's blood. Kiersa goes around picking up sticks, aiming them, then saying, "Boom, boom, boom, boom!!!" Pinecone grenades are the newest weapon they've chosen.
Peek-a-boo is a new favorite game, but books are her favorite toy, especially "The Gruffalo."
Though she contracted chicken pox from her varicella shot, they were so mild and didn't get all scabby and pussy. Thank goodness! I was told they'd be mild if she got them from the shot, and it was true.
Kiersa says bird (bu bu bu), snake (sssss), cow (cow...moooo), kitty (key key key) and makes various noises for many animals (owls, monkeys, elephants and crocodiles are a few), but she calls every other animal cowboy. Cowboy is the name of our miniature pinscher.
Kiersa has a defiant, stubborn streak. If she's angry about something, she'll look directly in your eyes and grab something (paper, my diaper bag, food, whatever) and knock it over or off the counter onto the floor. Then she'll look at you as though she's daring you to get her in trouble. I swear she speaks with her eyes.
My favorite thing about Kiersa is her eyes. They are absolutely spellbinding. It's not just their gorgeous, clear, bright blue color. It's not just her long dark(ish) lashes that curl up so perfectly. It's the way she looks at everyone. It's as though she's studying you and absorbing every tiniest speck of your face and how your mouth moves and what your eyes are expressing. I would love, more than most anything, to have an incredible talent with art, because if I did, I would paint her eyes on a huge canvas. Or maybe I would draw them with pastel chalks. Her eyes say everything. What her eyes say to people make them deserving of being displayed on a wall, via art. Between her eyes, quick smile and chin dimples, she draws everyone in. They make you want to scoop her up and nuzzle her soft, little neck. My kids really watch me intently as I explain things to them, but Kiersa especially seems to watch and soak everything in just a little more than most kids. Maybe that's why she started talking earlier than my other kids.
So nice to get to know her a bit better. And I love that she loves the Gruffalo!
She sounds a lot like hyrum!
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