Friday, June 5, 2009

iOwn an iPhone

Hyrum isn't a hobby man. Usually, if a guy has a hobby (weight-lifting, cycling, playing on the dunes, guy's night, golfing, etc), it's hard to do it with an army of small children. Hyrum's the kind of guy that would rather spend 100% of his time with his family than have any kind of hobby that excludes the wife and kids. (Guess that's part of the reason he recruited me to come to work with him.)

Instead of swimming in hobbies, Hyrum immerses himself in the latest technology. He loves technology like some people love a good book. When he gets some new piece of technology, he gets lost in the fun of it and I'm widowed for a few days while he tinkers with it and figures out all the complexities.

He's really sweet about his passion though, because I usually reap the benefits of it in the end. Hyrum's latest "loves" he's acquired are the iPhone and a massive Mac computer. I mean, the screen is HUGE! He got the Mac mostly because he knows I do a lot of stuff with photos and movie-making, and PCs stink at that kind of stuff, so when our computer died, he chose the latest/greatest that would benefit me in the end. Awwwww. What a guy.

But...ever since Hyrum got an iPhone, he's been dying for me to get one too. I've been holding out because my current phone (that he got me since he had one before and thought I "needed" one too) works just fine. He LOVES his iPhone though, and in truth, so do I. Usually, if he gets some kind of technology that he loves, he can't see how I can live without it, so he ends up getting me one when he can't tolerate waiting anymore for me to actually want it.

Okay, so I can see why he wanted me to get one. He downloaded the Twilight series on his phone, and each morning when I would walk or work in the yard before we'd go to work at the office, I would steal his phone and listen to the books. We were always in different places, but we worked it out. We LOVED the books by the way, and can now understand why everyone was so crazed about seeing the movie and took the pains to go to the midnight showing. We're DYING for New Moon to come out! We've watched the trailer about 20 times already.

Anyway, back to the phone. For Hyrum's birthday, when I asked him what he wanted, he said he wanted to get me an iPhone. Get ME an iPhone for HIS birthday. Yeah right. Like I'd let him get me a gift for his birthday. I got him a .22 rifle instead.

But still, it gnawed on him that I didn't have one. Dane got one. Daisha got one. Why wasn't I chomping at the bit to get one! How could I live without one? Well, I hardly ever listen to music. I have a phobia of calling people on the phone. Why do I need something that makes me feel obligated to do both?

Doesn't matter. Guess what Hyrum came home with yesterday.

An iPhone for me of course! I have to say I'm not surprised, and I AM glad I have one. I did steal his a lot. I guess I'm one of those girls that says "Oh, don't order me any ice cream, I'll just have a bite of yours."...and then she hogs it. Maybe HE needed me to have one just so he could use his when he wanted to. He was probably tired of sharing it with me and the kids (though the kids use it a lot).

But...what do think happened once the phone was loaded with Hyrum's apps? Tilly and Hyatt immediately took over the phones and spent the rest of the night on them, and on the way to work this morning, and any other second they can.

If anyone "needed" something, our kids need their own ipod Touch so they can listen to their music, play their games, watch movies, check the weather and play with the flatulence app on their own gadget. I guess Santa needs to start saving.


The Lanyons said...

Why am I not surprised that you have the flatulence app?! Hehehe.

The thing I love about the iPhone is it's an all-in-one organizer. Phone, address book, camera, music, email, web, GPS, weather, calculator, clock, photos, notes, skype, tetris, etc. And it's so small. What more could a girl want?

Gotolson said...

Yeah, I know what you mean! Jude is constantly on my iphone too. Actually he gets grounded from my phone if he throws a fit. The most hilarious thing that has happened is around Christmas we were over at Jim and Patty's and it was late and we were trying to go so Jude could get in bed and he started throwing this fit and crying "I want to download... I want to download!" We spent more time laughing at his stinkin fit to download a new app than discipline him for such a stupid fit. Chad still laughs about it.

The Not-a-hoes said...

what happened to the good ol days when technology was too complex for kids to play with!?