Saturday, November 1, 2008


For Halloween this year, our kids were a damsel in distress (Talea), a knight (Hyatt), and a dragon (Kiersa).

When we were in England, we visited Bodiam castle,

which was built in the style of battle castles, and in their gift shop we found a cute little knight costume, so we got it for Hyatt.

We had a dragon costume already that I bought for Talea on clearance 3 years ago, and both Talea and Hyatt have worn it.

We got Talea a princess costume in order to be a damsel, since, believe it or not, we didn't have any princess costumes of our own already (Talea is a recent convert to girly stuff).

They loved it, and I felt creative for once when it came to holiday stuff.

Here are our kids wearing the dragon over the years.
Kiersa: 2008

Hyatt: 2007

Talea: 2005

Oh, and though I'm a last minute costume person (I always just end up grabbing something out of the closet or cupboard for myself), I did think to buy some creapy make-up beforehand, and Talea had a blast decorating my face. I think she did pretty good for her first time. She was making me into a vampire since that was on the make-up package.

Hyatt was concerned all day that I was going to suck his blood, but it didn't phase Kiersa one bit. I couldn't stand how my hair would get stuck on it, but Talea begged me to keep it on all day and night.

We had to drive down to Ashland on Halloween afternoon after we closed shop so that we could deliver my parents' new pontoon boat to them.

Hyrum found them a steal-of-a-deal on a nearly new one out here, so they bought it and we drove it down to them. We went trick-or-treating down in Ashland in a new subdivision of nice homes above Oak Knoll and a nice street in Oak Knoll, and we scored with full-size candy bars and GREAT candy! Not a dum-dum or mini tootsie roll to be found!!! I knew the ritzy houses wouldn't have the cheapie crud candies. Plus, people were just dumping 3 or so candies per kid in their buckets, and they even gave stuff to Kiersa (though they kept calling her a BOY!!!). We know where to go from now on!!! PS...Kiersa hates things on her head, so headbands won't work for advertising she's a girl...bummer. I don't even think piercing her ears will work if dressing her in pink doesn't work. Duh.

The worst thing we did this Halloween was buy the kids candy buckets (a fairy flower and Elmo) from WalMart that would open up on the bottom, so you could dump the candy out at the end without turning it upside down, I guess. Talea's candy dumped out on the ground 3 TIMES while trick-or-treating!!! I was seriously fed up with it. Never buy these lame buckets!! Or, if you do, duct tape the bottom so it can't open up!


John-Maren Goodman said...

WAY TO GO Tiana!!! I'm so impressed! The theme is so adorable, and fitting for the trip you just took!! It would have been so fun to have been there with both our kids to do trick-or-treating together..bummer! They looked so cute though, and Talea did a "horrifying" job on the make-up! Way to Talea!~

The Lanyons said...

I love the themed costume idea - how cute they all looked. Those Halloween buckets sound ridiculous! How lazy do you have to be to not actually want to tip your candy out the conventional way?! Really!! I can't beleive mom and dad got ANOTHER boat!

Marcee said...

What a fun Halloween you must of had! The kiddos look so cute in their costumes.

The Not-a-hoes said...

do your parents still have the other boat too? well i know what we are doing this summer! lol jk. but halloween is so much fun when you have kids! when we were little we had scoped out all the ritzy places too and then we would do our neighborhood late so they would get fed up with trick or treaters and just dump the rest of their candy in our bags.
this year we just watched scary tv shows and made dinner with my mom, david worked all night so it was a lame day for us

Teresa Jolley said...

Very nice on the costumes. We had a cow costume for Star like the dragon and she only left it on her head maybe half the time too.

Tracy said...

Too cute! I love the theme.