Friday, November 14, 2008

New Poll

We're still having name issues for our little girl, so would you take the 5 seconds it requires to read and vote on my poll to the right?

We originally thought we'd go with Paisley, but we're toying with using it for a middle name now. The votes are in on Paisley (when it was our only choice). Out of 29 votes, 20 (68%) loved it, 6 (20%) thought it was okay, and 3 (10%) hated it. So I guess we're safe with Paisley, even if we move it to the middle name (no stealing it for your pets, David and Meghan!).

Here's why we have a name dilemma:

Our other two girls are Talea and Kiersa...both end in "a". So should we go with Layla, since we like that name, it sounds good with Paisley, and it ends in "a"?

Talea's nickname is Tilly and Kiersa's middle name is Milly. So should we go with the pattern and just name her Lilly? The only thing is that it's a bit strange with Paisley since they both end with the "ly" sound. We thought with Layla we could always nickname her "Lilly" like we call Talea "Tilly". Also, Lilly is a bit too common for my tastes, though I love the rhyme.

Liza (pronounced LIE-za, NOT Lisa) is old-fashioned and cute like Tilly and Milly, and could even be nicknamed with Lilly if we wanted, and it ends in "a". It also goes good with Paisley. For fear of mispronunciation, which my other girls always get, should it be spelled Lyza or Lieza instead?

Or should we just say heck with keeping a pattern going (ha ha, Paisley IS a pattern) and call her Paisley since that's just so cute (although I do think we could get away with Lilly for a nickname on that one), and find a different middle name, or use one of the above for the middle name?

So, what's your verdict? I'm very curious. The poll on Paisley was very helpful!! Leave a comment if you'd like to explain your decision. I really value everyone's opinion, because though I like unusual names, I want a name that the majority of people like so that the majority of people my daughter meets in her life think she has a nice name. Thanks for your help!

By the way, I won't get mad if you don't like any of the names. Give me your honest opinion and other suggestions if you have any. I have 2 sisters who LOVE Paisley, and one who hates it and said she'd pay for this baby's college education if I would NOT name her Paisley. I still love that sister the same. :)


Tana said...

I say to heck with the pattern because Aunt Shelly named her kids Cache, Carly, Carson and Coby and now when she calls one of them, all she can say is, "Ca...Ca...Ca!"

I like all the names though. All of them go well with Johnson and in the distant future, any of them will go well with other last names.

Annie said...

I think LAYLA is a beautiful name - and sounds cute for a little girl as well as sophisticated for the rest of her life.

I love how you have thought out all the patterns!

LAYLA is my vote! Can't wait for the decision!

Cindi said...

I like Lilly, but probably because Chris and Michelle have a darling Lilly. So I just automatically think good things when I hear it. It seems a little common compared to your other kid's names, though. I voted for Liza. Layla is familiar to me, but I can't think of why... like I knew somebody named that and didn't like them. I can't quite place it, though. Paisley sounds a little country or something to me. It's kind of cute, but kind of odd? for lack of a better word. That left Liza. Not common, but does conjour thoughts of Liza Minelli. But that being the only Liza I can think of, your Liza would replace that image. :D I would SOOOO take your sister up on the college offer and ditch the Paisley name if I were you. Have you seen how expensive college is? And with 3 other kids already to pay for. I'm just sayin'! ;)

Our Pratt Pack said...

I vote Layla but we had the same dilemma since our girls ended in a but we just through it out the window when we named Kaprice so do what you want!

Marcee said...

My vote is Liza... one reason... it's adorable and NEVER used. Another, we had 3 girls named Lilly just in our ward all born at the same time! That name is highly overused right now and I know you don't like that. It is the same with Layla.. While it is a beautiful name, lots of girls here have it. Just something to think about!

Liza Paisley Johnson - beautiful!!

John-Maren Goodman said...

Okay I love all Of your names But I have another suggestion. My new sister-in-law has a neice named Breitta, and they call her Bre! I think that name is totally unique, and way cut, and has a great ring with johnson on the end, plus a way cute nickname!!! Breitta Paisley Johnson! I love that!~

The Lanyons said...

This is so hard, I can't vote for one because I like them all. Layla, Lilly and Paisley are so adorable! Liza is my least fav but, then again, she was one of the best brides in Seven Brides (along with Milly, Alice and Dorcas!). One more thing - I wouldn't worry about being all matchy-mathcy (like ending in a's or having a connection or whatever). That kind of thing is limiting and, in my opinion, cheesy.

Marcee said...

I just read more of the comments and I also agree with Maren... Breitta is adorable!

The Leithead Family said...

OK...who cares what I think...but if you do -

I absolutely LOVE Layla. Beautiful name. Someone mentioned above that it is cute for a little girl but also sophisticated for a woman.

Lilly is also pretty, but maybe over-used.

Paisley is cute and different. I also decided I liked Liza after I thought about it for a minute. But I wouldn't spell it differently.

But here is another suggestion...Lila! Kinda like Liza and kinda like Layla. I have a cousin named Lila and I always thought it was a very beautiful name...and you could call her Lilly!!! How about that??? Think about it!

We made our families vote when we were trying to decide on Anastyn's ended up being a tie - so in the end WE still had to decide! ha ha!

The Not-a-hoes said...

I dont know if you read my comment on Teresas page or not, but i had a dream that we were at a family party and I was playing with who i thought was teresas new baby and i kept calling her Lilly.

But who knows, maybe I got the parents mixed up and it was actually your baby girl! you were there, but she looked like star.

Either way i think there will be a Lilly in our family between one of these 3 girls coming!

Oh and Paisley is very cute, but every time i hear it i think of Brad Paisley...he is after all my FAV country singer EVER!

The Lanyons said...

Edward thinks Layla is by FAR the best. I love it too.

Smartee said...

I really like Layla. I'm laughing right now at the suggestion of Brietta, not because it's not cute (I like the name). But because my neices name is Brietta and her sister's name is Tianna. If we ended up with a Brietta and a Tianna in on both sides of the family I would just laugh.
Good luck! Name her what you love.

The Not-a-hoes said...

my familys traditional middle name for the only girl in the family, Elizabeth. its my moms and mine, and she got it from my grandmas sister who died.
Its going to be interesting to see how our gender situation turns out, my family on both my mom and my dads side has 1 girl and the rest boys, and david is def out numbered by girls in his fam!

Gotolson said...

My vote is on Layla Paisley Johnson! But only you guys will know when you see her!

Teresa Jolley said...

I don't like Liza at all. Not sure why, just don't. I think having Paisley for a middle name is better. I really like Layla. I've never ever heard that name before and I think it is beautful. Lilly is very common. When I got the comment Meghan left about lilly, I stopped to think about it and told Darin I liked that name, until he reminded me that his coworker has a daughter named lilly that is the same age as star, so that went out the window. If your looking for more unique I say Layla

The George's said...

I like the name Paisley. I thought about that name before I heard you talking about it. We're not using it, we don't name until they are here. Layla is cute. Good luck. We are trying to come up with names ourselves.

Karin Stephens said...

I love Layla and Paisley. I also think you don't need to be matchy matchy. You should go with a name you like.

Email me at as I can't find your current email address anywhere!

I'm so glad I can keep up with your life through your blog even if we can't get together for awhile.
