Saturday, November 22, 2008

4 kids, 4 houses

All of my kids came home from their birth at the hospital to different houses.

Talea came home to our house in Sam's Valley.

Yes, it's an ugly manufactured home, but we figured that would be our temporary home until we built our dream home. We loved the remote location and the view, but the rampant poison oak would have posed a problem with our kids. These pictures were taken by Hyrum's dad when he visited, but it was before we had finished fixing up the place. We ended up moving a month or so later to Coquille.

Hyatt came home to our house in Coquille.

It was in the process of being remodeled when he was born, but these are after pictures of the exterior.

Kiersa came home to the apartment we're currently living in, which is just in the backyard of our big house.

I was living in the big house when I left to the hospital to have her, but since we moved most of our belongings into the apartment while I was in labor (it took my mind off it), some friends and family finished the rest of the move while I spent the mandatory 2 days in the hospital (because of the stinkin' group B strep I always test positive for), and we came home to the apartment with the move complete.
These are pictures before the yard was ripped up and anything major was done to the apartment. Actually, we had already put a new staircase on it since a board broke off and I fell off the end of the steps because of it. We had also already replaced the windows upstairs. It still looks pretty much the same still since we want to focus our money on the house before the exterior of the apartment.
By the way, the top floor is the apartment. The bottom floor is the laundry room and all the storage rooms.

Now baby #4 is on her way and we thought it would be so perfect, and miraculous, if the house was somehow livable when I came home from the hospital so that we brought this baby home to a different house, like all the others were. (Can you tell I have a thing for patterns, no matter how cheesy or stupid they are? Maybe I'm obsessive compulsive).

We don't see that happening though, so we're wondering if they make bunk bed cribs. Actually, I think we'll take our crib to the shop and bring back the play yard (playpen) for Kiersa to sleep in (in the living room with the other kids). She just might start sleeping through the night again if she's back in the living room. Then we'll get another play yard for our bedroom that has the bassinet feature for the new baby to sleep in. We'll cram them in like sardines! Hey, if the Duggars fit 17 people in a 3 bedroom house, we can fit 6 people into a one bedroom apartment! (If you're unaware of who the Duggars are, they are the family on TLC that has 17 kids and one more on the way.) I say, the family that crams in together, sticks together! Hy and I crammed in together on a semi for 2 1/2 years, and that bonded us really tight, so maybe the same will happen with us in here with our kids! I hope my kids still really feel close to me when they're teenagers.

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

This is such a great one for your journal!